Prodeus kickstarter
Prodeus kickstarter

This game feels like a love letter to the genre of games it’s emulating. The game even brags that it is physically possible to paint every level red with the blood of your enemies, that’s quite a lot of care and polish from the devs. The graphics are rendered in HD, there is modern lighting, and particle effects, and much more. All of the environments and sprites are made of pixels, but with modern touches that make it beautiful. It’s clear that much work was put into emulating the visual style of retro shoot-em-ups. The graphics of the game are designed to look like their pixelated 90’s counterparts, but with modern HD rendering, textures, and effects. The game focuses everything on emulating this retro fps style, but with just the right amount of modern integrated. In this area, Prodeus overwhelmingly exceeds. BROdeus has a few odd quirks but unless I forgot about something (other than Overload, but I wouldn't count it), it's the best 'retro shooter' released by far, and perhaps the only one among them where I don't really have a significant complaint that would otherwise spoil my fun.Prodeus’s main goal is to emulate the aesthetics and feel of iconic fps games from the 90’s such as Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, and Duke Nukem.

prodeus kickstarter

I'm also muchly amused by some of the bigger shootouts between the two mutually hostile munster factions that happen in the later levels, the tesla reactor at the end of Trench is definitely a highlight in that regard. On very hard there are some sections that are absolutely balls to the wall difficult, especially those involving slayers and harbingers ( fuck those cunts with a swarmer up the ass). All the post-EA content maps (starting with Corruption) are consistenly very good, with Hexarchy being the only one that feels slightly lazy, but the carnage is enough to save it. That said, I've had nothing but fun with this game. The fact that there's still no saving and death penalty is also BLAH. I also think the entire shop thing is downright unnecessary, and agonising to collect all ore in each level to satisfy my autism distracts me from the game at hand - while unlocking the plasma gun early is even more gamebreaking than the double jump. I'm a little bummed about some of the pointless/stupid changes they did since early access - in my view the double jump is dumb and almost ruins some of the EA maps like Hazard. I'm two levels away from the end and I'm having an absolute fucking blast. It could have been so amazing, and instead it's just good. The game needed none of it, and adding it made at least half the maps in the campaign actively worse (they ruined Hazard ffs). YOU GOTTA ADD LORE TERMINALS SO YOUTUBERS CAN MAKE LORE VIDYAS! Doom eternal has double jump and dash, you have to add that! Gotta have perma collectibles that you can spend in the shoppe for upgrades! Achievements! It really feels to me like they hired some kind of business consultant after the initial EA, and followed all their bad advice. The final map was really short and had a cliffhanger ending, which seems to hint at *more content to come*. 2 of the weapons that are in the keybind menu don't exist in the campaign. It's really weird, because somehow the EA felt more finished than the release version.Īdding double jump and dash made all the old maps worse (some a lot worse, some only a bit, but not one of them better) and even in the final maps it didn't feel like they were well integrated. It's a good game, and I had a lot of fun with it, but I am also very disappointed. I do like that they mostly continued with making the maps feel a bit connected, where the end of the previous map and start of next often have some connecting area. Of the maps added since EA, space station was the clear standout for me. A lot of them that I played during Early Access were already doing some really cool stuff and I can't wait to see what can be done with more time and practice. Most importantly Prodeus serves as a great platform for custom maps. Still, I was sufficiently entertained and that's great.

prodeus kickstarter

The last level itself was fairly lame and I was disappointed that there was no final boss enemy.

prodeus kickstarter

Many of them looked cool but were mostly spectacle arenas.

prodeus kickstarter

I'm not really sure what they did during Early Access because all the levels I played when the game came out on Steam were the best ones and the new ones were not particularly interesting.

#Prodeus kickstarter full#

Level props were neat and full of detail and I never felt bored in the sense like I was trudging through repeating areas or corridors. There was always a very good sense of flow however and I can appreciate the time and care it probably took to design levels with a constant forward momentum to it. I'm not really a fan of this kind of level design as I vastly prefer to more dungeon-like maps like in Hexen 1 & 2.

Prodeus kickstarter